This course of study is for all levels and ages of students, and designed to meet the individual needs of the student. Students receive a strong foundation in reading, theory, and technique. All styles of music are taught, including classical, contemporary, sacred, jazz, blues, and new age. The course also includes improvisation and composition.
Piano for the Very Young
This course is for the very young pre-reader child. We encourage the children to experience music at their own level of understanding. Initially, melodies are taught by rote, with musical concepts gradually added according to the child's ability.
This is an introductory course for strings, with emphasis on cello and violin. Study is for students ages 10 and up.
Flute study is for beginning to intermediate students. Students are instructed in proper breathing and tone production, the fundamentals of music will also be taught, which will enable the student to play any style of music.
This is a beginning to intermediate course for the guitar. Students learn picking, strumming and finger-style techniques, chords and chord formation, scale structures, as well as the fundamentals of good musicianship. Students receive a foundation which enables them to continue their study in any style of their choosing.